Guide for Authors

Regulations of Submission and Publication of Manuscript

(Enacted on October 1, 2008)

  1. (Grounds for establishment): Based on Article 10 of rules of this Society, an Editorial Board (hereinafter called the Board) for academic journal shall be in place to deliberate the general matters on the editing and publication of the Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science.
  2. (Duty): The Board shall deal with the general matters on the work of editing and publication of the Journal.The regulations of editing, the regulations of contribution of papers, and the regulations of paper examination shall be determined separately.
  3. (Composition of Board): The Board shall have the following officers.
    1. 1) One Chief of Editorial Board
    2. 2) One Editing Executive Director
    3. 3) Around 10 Editorial Board Members
    4. 4) Around 30 Reviewers
  4. (Election of the Chief): The Chief of Editorial Board shall be appointed by the Chairman according to Article 10 of Articles of Association of this Society.
  5. (Election of Editorial Board Members): The Editorial Board Members excluding the Editing Executive Director shall be appointed by the Chairman with the recommendation of the Chief of Editorial Board, and the qualifications shall be determined by the internal regulations.TheEditing Executive Director shall be appointed by the Chairman according to Article 10 of the Articles of Association, and shall become a manager of this Editorial Board.
  6. (Term of office): The term of office of the Chief of Editorial Board and Editing Executive Director shall be two years, and the term of office of Editorial Board Members and Reviewers shall be two years, and they can be reappointed.
  7. (Roles of Chief): The Chief of Editorial Board shall represent the Editorial Board of the Journal, and shall take the general responsibility on the publication of Journal.
  8. (Editing Executive Director): The Editing Executive Director shall assist the Chief of Editorial Board, and shall fairly conduct the general practical business related to editing.
  9. (Editorial Board Members and Examiners): The Editorial Board Members and Reviewers shall supervise the examination of papers contributed to the Journal, and shall perform the work related to editing.
  10. (Duty): The results of business of the Board shall be reported to the Board of Directors and the General Meeting.
  11. (Miscellaneous): The matters not regulated in these regulations shall be determined by the resolution of the Board of Directors.Editing of the Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science.

Instructions for Manuscript Preparation

General organization of manuscript for research articles:

The most desirable organization plan for a research paper is as follows: (a)Title (b)ABSTRACT, in less than 200 words, (c)INTRODUCTION, in less than two typed pages, (d)MATERIALS AND METHOD, (e)RESULTS, (f) DISCUSSION or RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, (g) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, (h)REFERENCE, (i)APPENDIX.

Manuscripts must be double-spaced with a recent version of word processor (Microsoft Word) in English (American spelling and usage). All pages must be numbered consecutively starting with the title page and including tables and figures. Lines in the abstract and text should be separately numbered. A standard font, in a size of 12 points, must be used.

(a) Title
The title page should include the title, author’s full names, and author’s institutional affiliations. The name of the corresponding author must be marked with an asterisk and also provide the contact information including the telephone, fax numbers, and e-mail address. If the current address of any author is differed, include it in a footnote on the title page. If the affiliations of the authors are different, authors different from the first author should be marked with different superscript numeral designation.
The abstract should be a clear, concise, one-paragraph summary including research aim, procedures, significant results, and major conclusions. Abstract must be 200 words or less. Specialized terms, abbreviations, diagrams, and references should be avoided. Do not use a personal statement like ‘I~’ or ‘We~’. Less than 10 Key Words should be provided at the end of the Abstract.
Introduction should state the research purpose and its relation to other works in the same field but should not present an extensive review of the reference. Text that does not exceed 2 typed pages is generally recommended.
The descriptions in MATERIALS AND METHODS should be brief, but sufficiently detailed to permit repetition of the work by a qualified operator. Specific experimental methods should be sufficiently detailed so the work can be repeated.
New methods must be completely described, but the published or the certified methods can be described briefly with references. For special equipment, reagents, kits, etc., the source, city, state, and country should be specified in parentheses. Biological materials should be identified by the scientific name (genus, species with italic type, and if necessary, authority and family) and cultivar, if appropriate, together with the site from which the samples were obtained.
The RESULTS section describes the concise and clear results of the experiments using text, tables, and figures. And DISCUSSION section provides an interpretation of the results in relation to previously published work and to the experimental system at hand. TheRESULTS and DISCUSSION sections can be combined as one section. Avoid presenting essentially similar data in both table and figure form. Avoid comparisons or contrasts that are not pertinent.
Also avoid speculation unsupported by the data obtained. Concluding statements are to be incorporated at the end of the Results and Discussion section.
Tables should be numbered consecutively with the order of citation in the text (Table 1). Figures should be also numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals according to the order of citation in the text (Fig. 1). The figure title in the text is expressed as bold. Tables and Figures must fit one- or two-column format on the Journal page. Footnotes in tables should be given numeral designations and be cited in the table by superscript. Do not include data that are not discussed in the text. All values must be used with significant digits. Limit photographs (i.e. photomicrographs, electron micrographs, and photographs of gel patterns) to those that are absolutely necessary for presenting the experimental findings.
List sources of financial or material support and the names of individuals whose contributions were significant but not deserving of authorship.
Reference should be listed in the order alphabetically. Reference should be cited only necessary publications and used primary rather than secondary reference when possible. All the references should be in the Roman scripts, that is, even if authors have cited a study in Korean, Chinese or Japanese, authors should write the references in Roman scripts and not in Korean, Chinese or Japanese script. It is acceptable to cite work that is accepted but not published with the pertinent year and volume number of the reference. Do not list the following in the reference section:
unpublished data, personal communications, manuscripts in preparation, manuscripts submitted, abstracts, and materials that have not been subjected to peer review. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their reference. Some examples of reference format are described below.
① In Text
References should be cited in the text by Author’s name and Year in parentheses.
  1. Ex.1) One reference: It was reported that (Author name, Year).
  2. Ex.2) More than two references: It has been known that (Author name, Year; Author name, Year;�Author name, Year).
  3. Ex.3) One author: Kim (Year) reported...
  4. Ex.4) Two authors: Lee and Park (Year) suggested that...
  5. Ex.5) More than two authors: Kim et al. (Year) have shown that...
② In reference section
i. Journal article: Author(s). (Year). Article title. Journal full title. Volume number: Pages.
  1. Ex.1) One author: Bradford KJ. (1994). Water stress and the water relations of seed development. Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science. 34:1-11.
  2. Ex.2) Two authors: Bradford KJ and Bradford KJ. (1994). Water stress and the water relations of seed development. Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science. 34:1-11.
  3. Ex.3) More than two authors: Nasr C, Haag Berruier M, Lobstein Guth A and Anton R. (1986). Kaempferol coumaryl glucorhamnoside from Ginkgo biloba. Phytochemistry. 25:770-771.
ii. Books: Author(s). (Year). Title (volume number). Publisher name. Place of publication. Nation. Pages.
  1. Ex.1) Dewick PM. (2002). Medicinal natural products.Wiley & Sons. Chichester, England. p.149-151.
  2. Ex.2) Bergmeyer HU, Bergmeyer J and Grassl M. (1974). Methods of enzymatic analysis(Vol. 3). Verlag Chemie International. Deerfield Beach. Florida, USA. p.1499-1502.
iii.Chapter in book: Author(s). (Year). Title of the chapter. In Editor(s) and/or Title of the book. Publisher name. Place of publication. Nation. Pages.
  1. Ex.1) Lee KY, Ko KC, Lee JC, Ryu YS and Kim SK. (1985). The use of plant growth regulators. In Viticulture in future. Daehan textbook Co. Seoul, Korea. p.274-283.
  2. Ex.2) Gershenzon J and Croteau RB. (1993). Terpenoid biosynthesis: the basic pathway and formation of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and diterpenes. In Moore TS. (ed.)., In Mizrahi A and Wezel AL. (eds.)., In Moore TS. et al. (eds.). Lipid metabolism in plants.CRC Press. Boca Raton. Florida, USA. p.340-388.
iv. Reports published Governmental Institutes: Author(s). (Year). Title. Institute. City. Nation. Pages.
  1. Ex.1) Rural Development Administration(RDA). (2009). Standard cultivation guidebook for good agricultural practice. Rural Development Administration. Suwon, Korea. p.47-117.
  2. Ex.2) Han JS, Choi KJ and Kang AS. (1999). Development of propagation technology of Eleutherococcus senticosus. Gangwondo Agricultural Research and Extension Services. Cheorwon, Korea. p.371-378.
v. Dissertation: Author(s). (Year). Title. PhD or MS thesis. Place of institution. Pages.
  1. Ex.1) Lee HY. (2003). Chemical consitituents from the roots of Synurus deltoides(Aiton) Nakai. MS Thesis or Ph. D. Thesis. University. p.1-67.
  2. Ex.2) Keatha KK. (1948). Vitamin and amino acid requirements of certain lactic acid bacteria.University of Wisconsin. Madison, USA. p.1-86.
vi. Patents: Author(s). (Year). Title. Name of country issuing the patent. Patent number.
  1. Ex.1)Chung IM. (2007). The manufacturing process of ginseng extracts. U.S.A. Patent. 8,777,345.
Complicated calculations and detailed nomenclature are listed.
Abbreviation and Units
Abbreviations should be spelled out the words at first and give the abbreviation in parentheses in the text

Example: Leaf Area Index (LAI)

KJMCS strongly recommends to uses the SI system (often referred to International Units) for most units of measurement. Some exceptions are listed below. Commonly used empirical units are permissible.

  1. 1) cm = centimeter
  2. 2) s = second, min = minute, h = hour
  3. 3) L = liter, g = gram, M = molar, mol = mole, N = normal, Mw = molecular weight
  4. 4) % = percent (designate w/v, v/v or w/w in lower case), ppm = part per million, ppb = part per billion

One space should be inserted before unit and between units for multi-unit values (for example, 25 mm) but no space between number and degree sign (for example, 25oC) and % sign (for example, 35%).

<These guidelines for framing of manuscript shall be implemented from Journal Vol. 16 Issue 6.>

<These guidelines for framing of manuscript shall be implemented from Journal Vol. 20 Issue 1.>

<These guidelines for framing of manuscript shall be implemented from Journal Vol. 20 Issue 6.>

Regulations of Peer Review of Manuscript

All manuscripts are subject to peer review for the validity of the experimental design and results, significance, and appropriateness for the possible Journal publication (KJMCS). When all manuscripts are submitted successfully to the journal online system, they are initially subjected to a pre-screening step by the editor-in-chief. Manuscripts that are poorly written, fail to meet the required format by KJMCS, or violation of 'Research and Publication Ethics' containing plagiarism of the prior publications will be rejected in the pre-screening step without further review.

The manuscript submitted is at least 3 times evaluated by 3 reviewers selected by the Journal Office who are the expert in the field. Reviewers must load in the journal website the result of review within 2 weeks after reviewing agreement. The corresponding author is notified as soon as possible regarding the decision to accept, reject, or request revision of a manuscript by the decision of editor.

The manuscripts evaluated as “accept” or “request minor revision” by all of the reviewers are considered to be accepted for publication, although some revisions may be required to address the concerns of the reviewers and editorin- chief. If there are major flaws in the results of the research or the methodological design, the editor-in-chief may ask the author to clarify and resubmit or may reject the manuscript. If a manuscript is classified as “accept with revisions,” the author is expected to respond within one month, addressing all the comments made by the reviewers, making appropriate corrections or stating why the comments are unreasonable. The manuscript editor or a reviewer will consider the revisions, and recommend that the associate editors either accept the manuscript for publication or reject it. The author will be informed by the editor-in-chief of the final decision on the publication of the manuscript, when the final revised manuscript meets all KJMCS content and format requirements. And the manuscript accepted is scheduled for publication in the next available issue.

<These guidelines for framing of manuscript shall be implemented from Journal Vol. 16 Issue 6.>

<These guidelines for framing of manuscript shall be implemented from Journal Vol. 23 Issue 5.>

Regulations on Appointment of Reviewers

(Enacted on October 1, 2008)

  1. These internal regulations are in place on the qualifications of Editorial Board Members according to Article 5 of the Regulations of Editorial Board of the academic journal of the Korean Society of Medical Crop Science (hereinafter called 'this Society').
  2. A few persons of Editorial Board Members and Reviewers shall be appointed in the following fields of specialization.
    1. 1) Physiology and ecology of cultivation
    2. 2) Genetics and breeding
    3. 3) Biotechnology
    4. 4) Quality and biological activity
    5. 5) Material analysis
    6. 6) Other fields related to this Society, which are major fields of study acknowledged by the Editorial Board
  3. The Editorial Board Members and Reviewers shall be appointed among the regular members of this Society in principle, and the Chief of Editorial Board shall recommend those with excellent research achievements that come under the following numbers to the Chairman. But, the Editorial Board Members and Reviewers shall not be registered in two or more academic journals including this Journal or in a candidate academic journal as Editorial Board Members and Reviewers.
    1. 1) Those who have published three or more papers in the international famous academic journals (the academic journals of the class of SCI) in the past 5 years
    2. 2) Those who have published 5 or more papers in the famous academic journals in Korea (the academic journals which are registered in the KSCI or which are candidates to be registered in KSCI) in the past 5 years
    3. 3) Those who have published three or more papers as the lead author or the corresponding author in the Journal of this Society in the past 5 years
    4. 4) Those who have the experiences of being an Editorial Board Member or Reviewer of international famous academic journals
    5. 5) Those who have the experiences of being an Editorial Board Member or Reviewer of famous academic journals in Korea
    6. 6) Others who are acknowledged to have the research achievements equal to the Clause 1) through 5) in the Editorial Board of this Society
  4. These internal regulations shall take effect simultaneously with the enactment.
  5. These internal regulations may be revised with the approval of a half or more of the Members of the Editorial Board on the register.