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The Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science (KJMCS) is the official publication of the Korean Society of Medicinal Crop Science. It was launched in 1993. It contains original articles on all fields related the cultivation, physiology, and environments, genetics and breeding, biotechnology, quality and evaluation of physiological activity (in vitro, in vivo, etc.), chemical analysis of medicinal crops and others related to medicinal crops. It is published bimonthly in February, April, June, August, October and December in per year. Supplement numbers are published on symposium or academic meetings. All of the manuscripts are judged and peer-reviewed.
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Secretary Treasurer
General Affairs and Copyright Transfer Agreement Submission
the Korean Society of Medicinal Crop Science
Department of Herbal Crop Research,
National Institute of Horticulture and Herbal Science(NIHHS),
Rural Development Administration(RDA)
92, Bisan-ro, Soi-myeon, Eumseong 27709, Republic of Korea
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Editor : Manuscript Affairs
Department of Herbal Crop Research, Kangwon National University
346 Hwangjo-gil, Dogye-eup, Sancheok 25949, Gangwon, Republic of Korea
Tel : 033-540-3323, Fax : 033-540-3329, E-mail :
Volume 32(6); December 2024
Hyemin Kim, Jumin Park, Seona Kim, Seung-Yoon Kim, Nak-Shin Song, Sang-Kyu Park
Cellular oxidative damage caused by reactive oxygen species, byproducts of intracellular metabolic processes, is considered a major causal factor of aging. Many...
Jae Wan Park, Dong Kyun Son, Jin Tae Jeong, Kyung Ho Ma, Sun Hee Woo, Jeong Hoon Lee
Licorice is used in herbal medicine, food, medicines, tobacco, and functional health foods. Although Korean cultivation has long been attempted the index compon...
Acute Toxicity and Mutagenicity Evaluation of Water Extract from Lycoris radiata
Seong Min Hwang, Sung Young Cho, Su Yeong Kim, Jong Hyun Nho
has various bioactive properties. However, some alkaloids exhibit neurotoxic and cytotoxic effects, and pose potential risks. These toxic compounds can have ha...
Sang Ku Lee, Eun Song Lee, Yong Goo Kim, Yong Il Kim, Jang Hoon Kim, Kyung Sook Han
In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of temperature on the development periods of nymphs and the longevity and fecundity of adult of (Hemiptera: ...
Comparative Study on The Disinfection Effect of Green Manure Crop Seeds Through Hot Water Soaking
Min-Jeong Kim, Chang-Ki Shim, Yeon-Bok Kim, Jae-Hyeong Lee, Sung-Jun Hong, Jaekyeong Song
Green manure crops are cultivated to address the challenge of continuous medicinal plants cropping. However, fungal and bacterial growth during seed storage hin...
Jong Won Han, Woo Tae Park, Yong Goo Kim, Jin Tae Jeong, Jeong Hoon Lee, Jee Hye Sung, Young Ho Yoon, Kyung Ho Ma, Mok Hur
The quality of can fluctuate based on factors such as cultivation region and harvest timing. This may result in differences in product quality. Therefore, in t...
Diversity Analysis of Castor Germplasm Based on Agronomic Traits and Castor oil Content
Eun Ae Yoo, Jun Hwan Yeo, Gi An Lee, Jae Eun Lee, Soo Kyeong Lee, Eun Gyeong Kim, Gyeong Ju Gim, Ryu Dam Kim, Jun Yong Kim, Dong Ho Lee, Jung Sook Sung
Castor ( L.) is an important industrial medicinal and oil crop with high economic value. Despite its potential, limited research has been conducted on the diver...
Mi-Ra Lee, Bohye Kim, Hee-Jun Kim, Yongjun Lee
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a pathological condition of the gastrointestinal tract characterized by chronic and relapsing inflammation. This study inves...
Jong Hui Kim, Min Hong, Wang Jong Lee, Ho Jong Jun, Jin Hee Han, Jung Dae Lim, Tae Hyung Kwon, Soo Ung Lee
, a plant commonly used in traditional medicine, possesses various pharmacological properties, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. However, ...