Title of the manuscript: ___________________________________
Please check below items as √before submission of the manuscript.
- General Guideline
- The manuscript is typed in Hangeul (HWP) or MSWord.
- The manuscript is checked and agreed about all policies related to ‘Ethical Code of Research’ and ‘Research Ethics’ containing plagiarism.
- The manuscript is formatted according to the submission guideline: The main text should be Sinmyeongjo 12-point and the line spacing should be 200%.
- The manuscript consists of the title, author(s)’ name(s), affiliation, abstract, keywords and main text.
- The title, name(s) of author(s), and affiliation are written in both Korean and English.
- Abstract and keywords
- The abstract does not exceed 200 words in English.
- ABSTRACT consists of three main sections: Background should state briefly the main purpose of the work. Methods and Results should describe briefly experimental methods explaining to reach main results. Conclusions should major conclusions and significant of the articles based on experimental results.
- Within 10 Keywords are specified below the abstract.
- Main text
- The manuscript is written either in Korean or English.
- Tables, Figures, and Photos
- Heading of tables, figures, and photos are written in English.
- Tables, pictures and photos are inserted according to the Submission Guideline format.
- References
- All and every cited reference in the main text should be included in the references.
- All and every reference in the references should be written in English.
- The list of references should be organized in the alphabetical order.
- Contributors
- Co-authors’ names are specified and the first author’s name is written first.
- The corresponding author is specified in the footnote of the first page according to the Submission Guideline format.
Signature Confirmation by Corresponding Author :___________________________________